Volunteer Agreement

We hope that you enjoy volunteering with Barby Woodland Trust (BWT).

This agreement tells you what you can expect from us, and what we will expect from you. It is in honour only. It is not a legally binding contract of employment and can be cancelled by either party at any time.

We will:

  1. Tell you how BWT runs, and what you will be doing.
  2. Give you any training you need.
  3. Respect your skills and dignity. 
  4. Tell you about any changes that will affect your volunteering with us.

  5. Provide a safe workplace free from discrimination.
  6. Apply our complaints procedure if there is any problem.*

 I, ______________________________________________________________________(insert name) agree to:

  1. Work reliably to the best of my ability.
  2. Be respectful to others.
  3. Tell you in advance if I can’t volunteer at my usual time.
  4. Follow BWT’s rules and procedures, including those for health and safety, equal opportunities and safeguarding*.
  5. Agree to a DBS check if needed.

Signed: ________________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________________________

*More details on these issues are provided in our volunteer policy.